Five Ways to Reduce Blind Spots

be-aware-listening-engagedWe talked earlier this month about possible blind spots in our current view of reality related to our workplace culture. Here are a few thoughts on ways to reduce blind spots. These ideas are embedded in our soon to be released Results Coaching Next Steps: Leading for Growth and Change.

  • Listen to understand from the other person’s perspective.
  • Refrain from jumping to conclusions that may or may not be accurate, or seeking to impose our own views rather than understanding their views.
  • Use the skill of paraphrasing in responses to demonstrate respect, understanding and make connections so that the person feels safe to continue.
    • If people do not feel safe to continue- they will shut down or elevate an aggressive state (fight, flight or freeze). This is a Trust Buster.
    • Hormones are released in the brain (Oxytocin – feel good hormone, or Cortisol – feel bad hormone). We seek Trust Building.
  • Maintain an attitude of presuming positive intent, which shows up in our language and our internal thoughts. Remember, chemical reactions are happening internally for everyone during a conversation.
  • Ask discovery/powerful questions where you do not already have the answers.
    • This is what coach-leaders do.
    • If you ask questions where you already know the answers – that is called a leading question and that is not the behavior of a coach leader.