Trending Results

discussing-dataThere appears to be a trend from leaders being coached to leaders being coaches as reported in studies both conducted and replicated in 2007 by Metrix Global entitled, “Coaching in Organizations Benchmark Study.” There were several findings from METRIX that have implications for what we are finding out from our own past and present evaluation studies on the impact of our coaching seminars.



There is a trend for leaders in organizations being coaches. “School leaders are developing a common language of effective coach-like leadership.” (2011)
Organizations are having challenges integrating coaching into culture although this was seen as important. “Coaching has really had a significant impact on our efforts to truly living our vision and mission statement. It [the coaching] has provided the opportunity to articulate how to improve schools and systems thinking about leadership.” (2013)
Teamwork and collaboration are increased. “Involving the staff in decision making by working collaboratively, the decisions are better and the stakeholders are more satisfied.” (2015)
Leaders are more engaged in their work and less likely to leave “If you are trying to find a way to empower people in your organization, this approach is a must. It has the potential to resurrect a career from apathy and remind people why they got into education in the first place.” (2015)
Leaders are more available for new opportunities and advancement. “Even for people who have experienced professional learning around coaching, this workshop changes the way we think about the skills we already know. There is always room for growth and this workshop helped me better understand where those growth opportunities are for me and the team I work with everyday.” (2015)
The costs of operations improved, the quality of products and services and increased productivity and net revenue were reported. “The thing that most stands out is that I am thinking differently about the scope of my work; it [the coaching] has helped me create a network culture that focuses on sustaining results.” (2014)
Coaching has evolved to being a viable leadership practice. “This experience is a powerful way for educational leaders to change the culture of their schools through positive and powerful communication. It is a must for any school leader!” (2015)

By Dr. Diana Williams
Lead Evaluator for Results Coaching Global