Looking Toward the New and Better Year

This month has been an offering of strategies for reducing stress and breathing deeper. When we seek clarity, we reduce the chaos around and begin to think in a positive and powerful direction. In part 2, David Rock reminds us to seek a “better normal.” Just the reframe of language empowers more energy and positive…

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The Road to a New and Better Normal

In our first message the focus was on ways to support all of us in moving from uncertainty and complexity to clarity. When things are so overwhelming, as the last two years have been, simply offering clarity about those things we do know. As educators and coach leaders, we all know change begins with the…

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In the first two parts of our focus on tips for leadership and communication, we looked at David Grossman’s GREAT EIG8T strategies for leadership and communication while connecting to our RCG communication skills and tools. In our article prior to this one, we shared his first four tips. They were: Lead Yourself First Know Your…

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Part 2: Grossman’s “GREAT EIG8T”

Leading with heart can be especially challenging for leaders who are constantly under pressure from all different directions, as we are today. In this article, we invite you to consider the first four of Grossman’s “GreatEi8ht” strategies and align with our coaching strategies and tools. NUMBER 1: LEAD YOURSELF FIRST How many times in our…

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Leading with the Coach Heart

School is starting again and with that glorious time of the year also comes much planning and thoughtfulness about the past year, its goals and challenges; and as always, the new challenges and craziness are coming right at us. In this unprecedented time of societal and economic upheaval, leaders feel more powerless and anxious than…

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How to Support People to Excel

If we continue to spend our time identifying what people are not doing and giving people feedback (advice) about how to be better, we’ll languish in the business of adequacy. To get into the excellence business we need some new techniques: Look for the outcomes; what people are doing that is working. Replay your instinctive…

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April is always a month of hopefulness, new beginnings, and smiles! Last month, my colleague, Karen Anderson, shared some juicy learnings from the book, The Advice Trap by Michael B Stanier. Everyone is hopeful when they ask for advice. This is a topic that is ubiquitous to every seminar we provide on coaching so it’s…

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