Batting Practice Before the Big Game

It’s here! The new beginning that has been so long in the planning, based on reflections of successes and things we wish had gone differently. Planning that is based on test scores, school and district ratings, perceptions, innovations, gaps, relationships, personal leadership goals, and numerous other factors.

As you reflect on the ideas presented in our earlier articles this month – Games Aren’t Won on Game Day, and All the Puzzle Pieces Came Together — here are some questions to ask yourself and others:

How do we make sure we are “swinging a bat for practice” throughout the year to prepare for “game day”?

What puzzle pieces may be missing in order to complete our picture of the results we desire for the coming year?

How will I remain mindful of my leadership goals, especially when times are chaotic or the going gets rough?

Take a few moments to record your thoughts in a place that you will easily notice so that they stay before you. Remember to review long-term goals and ideas when you may instead be lost in the urgency of the moment. We at Results Coaching Global are supporting you for a successful and fulfilling 2018-2019 school year.

About Frances Shuster, PCC, M. Ed.

Frances Shuster is a Partner with Results Coaching Global and coauthor of Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders. She is a faculty instructor and coach for the Results Coaching Global Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).