Be Renewed Daily Through Reflective Thinking – Part 1

Thomas Moore, in Care of the Soul, writes a captivating story about a respected Albanian, Nuri Bey, and his much younger wife.  Mr. Bey’s wife questions him concerning the hidden secrets of a mysterious chest which has been in his family for generations.  Conflict arises as a result of his wife’s curiosity. She wants to know about her husband’s fantasies about the chest.  Her husband wants to go straight to the “literal” solution and just open the box (an action without much thought).

How many times do we miss an opportunity to reflect, imagine, let our minds just consider the possibilities?  In doing so, we need to consider our purpose or goal.  Ultimately, in coaching, we ponder questions, consider choices, evaluate alternatives, instead of simply reacting.  If the situation requires consideration,  soul searching, or deeper introspective thought, then as the book concludes, “Reflection is necessary for the kind of action that is appropriate.”

When you reflect on your coaching, what realization do you have that “renewal is a process, not a place you finally arrive and stay, never to be renewed again?”

[watch for Part 2 of this article – coming soon]

by Janet Bliss Mello
Coaching for Results Global