Ever Elusive: Work-Life Balance

Work Life BalanceWhat a perfect topic for this time of the year. It’s the time when we refill our tanks so to speak. We seek the beach, the mountains, or whatever place feeds our soul. We kick up our feet, read a good book, take a camping trip, or travel to a destination we have longed to see.

Hopefully, this time is filled with what re-energizes you so that you have the energy and stamina for the new school year. For some of us, this is the time that comes closest to the ever-elusive work-life balance we all talk so much about.

What exactly do we mean when we say Work-Life Balance? One definition is the ability to manage time and energy to meet both work and personal commitments, while also prioritizing self-care and well-being. Important words – “time and energy”, “work and personal commitments”, “self-care and well-being”.

A survey conducted by David Clutterbuck among coaches regarding their experiences with clients’ work-life balance (WLB) issues yielded these results.

  • A significant proportion of us have WLB issues, with more than one in ten reporting them.
  • Many of us with WLB issues also experience serious symptoms like burnout and stress.
  • Over half of coaches report an increasing frequency of WLB issues as topics for coaching.
  • Most coaches feel they have sufficient tools to help us restore balance, though some areas for development were identified.
  • Common tools include the wheel of life and priority-setting tools, with an interest in acquiring new tools in areas like resilience and burnout.
  • WLB issues are expected to remain significant, prompting further research into client and organizational dynamics.

In essence, the survey underscores the importance of WLB for us all, highlighting the need for us to have strategies for de-compressing and re-energizing ourselves and our teams other than when we are on vacation.

Check out the next article in this month’s series for ways we can accomplish that!

About Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.

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