Five Important Ways to Keep Your Finger on the Pulse of Your School Culture

pulseMany a school improvement goal has been focused on the improvement of the culture of a school. Whether you define culture as the learning environment, the morale of the school, or the symbols, rituals, and traditions of the school, its health and vibrancy has a direct impact on student performance.

Kent Peterson says it this way, “A school culture influences the ways people think, feel, and act.” Additionally, he says, “Being able to understand and shape the culture is key to a school’s success in promoting staff and student learning.”

A few possibilities for “keeping your finger on the pulse” of the vibrancy of your culture are:

  • Breathe new life into the Mission and Vision of the school by tweaking it or co-creating a new one using a collaborative process that offers the opportunity for engaging conversations about what people really care about.
  • Find exciting and innovative ways to articulate the central mission of the school to all stakeholders.
  • Engage in conversations with all to create meaning around the concepts and ideas – “What do these concepts and ideas look and sound like when fully present in the school setting?”
  • Assess the pulse of the culture on a frequent and on-going basis – waiting until the end of the year usually yields negative results.
  • Create ceremonies, traditions, and share stories that celebrate the successes of staff, students, and the community.

How are you and your Leadership Team intentionally “breathing life” into the culture of your school?

By Karen Anderson, PCC

About Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.