ICF Accredited Coaching Training Program
High leverage work in business and in schools requires special credentials for impact positions. You can now add to your Principal Certification or your Mid-Management Certification, or your Superintendent’s Certification… a Professional Coach Certification right here with your trusted colleagues, RESULTS COACHING GLOBAL!
What does this mean for you? While you are growing and refining your leadership and communication skills in our many varied seminars, continue the depth and successfully complete the inspiring and life-changing Results Coaching Global Coach Training Program. You can become a credentialed coach through the prestigious International Coaching Federation (ICF)!
Imagine yourself as a highly successful coach with clients who are accomplishing extraordinary results in both their professional and personal lives. See yourself with a deep understanding and ease in the use of the ICF Coaching Competencies. Experience the satisfaction of receiving valuable feedback from others about the strong impact your coaching is having on them.
Your journey begins when you step into the world of the Results Coaching Global Accredited Coach Training Program. You’ll learn from highly qualified instructors who have designed a program with you in mind. You’ll move from acquisition of knowledge to demonstration of skills and competencies in a highly engaging learning environment.
Many people have graduated from our program and have become a credentialed coach. Why not you?
Program Description:
Graduates of the Results Coaching Global Coach Training Program are grounded in the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs of coaching, supported by continuous practice and application of the learning. Seminars are organized into five levels with each building on the next. Each succeeding seminar provides for deeper understanding and internalization of the core coaching competencies. A total of 125 hours is required by this program.
Seminar participant groups are designed to maximize individual learning. All RCG faculty instructors are credentialed through the ICF and meet the high standards expected of Results Coaching Global.
*How do you get started?*
Simply visit our website and sign up for a Public Level I Seminar, or bring the seminar to your district. Public seminars are held in the Dallas area throughout the year. See full requirements for certification below.
Following is a description of requirements at each level. More details about each seminar are located under Services/Seminars
Select one from the two below. Both are 24 hours face to face + 1 hour follow-up webinar. This is your entry into the coaching pathway.
Leadership Coaching for High Performance
Instructional Coaching - Essential for School Success
Addendum to Level I:
Coaching Strategies for Powerful Leading:
This is a webinar-based course, meeting three times for two hours per session, plus outside work that equates to 24 hours. This course may not be taken until after one of the other Level I courses has been completed and can actually be taken later in the certification process. Many choose to take this course after completion of our Level II and even our Level III seminars.
Coaching is transformative. It is a dynamic process that requires continuous reflection, revision and re-energizing of one’s attitudes, knowledge and skills. This course is an examination of one’s thinking about priorities, goals and purpose. Five strategies are examined: creating possibilities, determining purpose, communicating powerfully, taking responsibility and celebrating success.
Successful leaders will learn how coaching brings clarity and purpose to their roles and relationships.
Essential components of this highly successful seminar include:
- Principles of effective coach-leaders
- Coaching language that produces reflective practice and increased performance
- Effective strategies for creating possibilities, determining purpose, connecting powerfully, taking responsibility, and celebrating success.
- Powerful conversation tools
- Coaching labs for deep practice designed to accelerate knowledge and skill acquisition
Team Coaching
This webinar series is designed for those who are coach leaders who lead/facilitate teams. Examples include leadership teams, PLC’s, department teams, grade-level teams, RTI teams, child study teams, and student success teams.
This session is for leaders who want to deeply embed coaching behaviors into their leadership identity and style.
This course is targeted and intended as a major step toward certification as a certified coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Content will correlate to and require an application of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the ICF core coaching competencies.
The outcomes of this seminar are to assist leaders in the demonstration of their defined coaching skills; to increase energy channeled toward internalization and integration of coaching behaviors as the default approach for leadership and leading, and to emphasize a sharpened focus on the relationship of the applied competencies and transformative results.
This seminar is designed for educators who seek certification as a professional coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Content will focus on the depth of integration of coach-specific skills into one's identity as a coach. Learners will experience a continuous feedback cycle beginning with self-assessment. Working beside an ICF certified coach, learners will prepare, coach, and reflect on the development of their own coaching skills.
The outcomes of this seminar are to develop coaches who:
- are grounded in the beliefs and assumptions of the core competencies of ICF
- consistently utilize the essential skills
- offer feedback that sustains and supports the development of others, and
- emphasize the inherent relationship between coaching and transformative results
To register, contact the RCG Mentor you wish to work with and he/she will provide you with a specific link for registration. Go to the Our Team page for a list of RCG Mentors.
Once an applicant has registered for mentoring and payment has been received by RCG, the mentoring process begins. The mentee will have eight full months to complete the mentoring process under the current registration. Should additional time be needed for the mentee, he/she will be expected to register for additional mentoring.
Prerequisite: Level III seminar
This webinar-based seminar is designed for educators who seek certification as a professional coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Content will focus on strengths and tendencies assessments that offer individual insight and introduce potential coaches to additional tools and strategies for coaching others.
- Completion of Levels I, II, and III
- Completion of assessments
- Application and reflection on assessments prior to each session
Expectations for Completion of the Results Coaching Global ACTP:
- Documentation of attendance and participation in all training sessions
- Documentation of attendance and participation in webinars and completion of all web based course work
- Mentor coach relationship as described in the curriculum
- Official coaching log with required ICF information
- Completion of a written exam of knowledge and skills of the RCG
Curriculum (score of 80% or higher) - Completion of a coaching oral exam (30 minutes length) scored by two RCG assessors (who hold PCC or MCC credentials) –demonstrating PCC proficiency
Delivery will vary and could include webinar learning, face-to-face + work with mentor Minimum 25 hours.*
This is an alternative pathway for certification for those who bring training from other coach training programs. The purpose of this seminar is to articulate the standards and expectations of Results Coaching Global and assess mastery of competency as a coach, building upon the curriculum and performance objectives of program courses. This level may also serve to prepare for PCC certification to ICF.
For more information, contact info@resultscoachingglobal.com

In the event that there is a need to cancel a registration, RCG will refund all money up to two weeks prior to the date the seminar begins. Any cancellations taking place less than two weeks from the date the seminar begins will be charged a $75 late cancellation fee, or an alternative may be sent in place of the person canceling, if the alternative meets all course prerequisites.
"I've been with my RCG coach for 9 years now. It is the best professional development investment I've ever made. My coach is my sounding board, my thinking partner, and my guide through the thickness of uncertainty. She supports me in my personal and professional goal setting, achievement and reflection. An RCG Coach is a requirement for me to be the kind of instructional leader my district deserves."
- David Curry, Superintendent, Union Hill School District, California