Keeping Joy at our Center

joyful woman in fieldDecades ago, when I was taking classes to be certified in Gifted and Talented leadership, one of my favorite professors, Dr. Ann McGee-Cooper, impacted my life by teaching us that joy should be at the center of all we do. We even made a little notebook about how we can always find time for joy. From five minutes to five days, I listed the things that I could do for instant joy. I still have that notebook and love reading it even now.

Recently, one of my favorite leadership authors, Dan Rockwell, in one of his recent blogs made me smile and feel so happy that I stopped in the middle of a major task and played with my dog, Rosie! With his permission, I pass this joyful thinking and knowledge on to you as you are in the midst of getting a thousand things done! Enjoy.

Ugly Efficiency: Discover the Secret Power of Beauty

The benefit of beauty is joy. Utility—by itself—is ugly. When you add beauty to efficiency, you build human organizations. Ugly organizations are effective, efficient, and joyless. Let yourself be joyful.

Joy is hard when:

  1. Achievement is everything.
  2. Problems are the center of attention.
  3. Perfectionism beats you down.
  4. Entitlement governs your attitude.
  5. Concern over unhappiness is everywhere.

Joy List:

Make a joy list. What aspects of work bring you joy? Things that delight are beautiful. There is no energy in bleak organizations.
What’s on your joy list…

  1. Achievement.
  2. Relationships.
  3. Learning.
  4. Reaching milestones.

When you brag about work, you’re talking about beauty.

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