GPS Tool

Solution Focused

It is important for the coach leader to “show-up” with the mindset that requires:

  • “Witness the struggle”
  • Listen for words, phrases, metaphors that guide thinking
  • Reframe from problem to solution focus
  • Language of discovery and appreciation
  • Ask questions to evoke talents, successes discovery, dreams, and desires
  • Ask powerful questions to make

Goal Focused

  • What do you want? Clarify and articulate goals—be explicit; what does it look like, feel like when achieved?
  • Prioritize your goals
  • Generate multiple pathways for achieving your goal; identify the top 10 strategies

Reflection Focused

  • Summarize impressions
  • Recall supporting information
  • Compare, analyze, infer cause & effect relationships
  • Construct new learnings and applications

Planning Focused

  • Create an action plan
  • Clarify goals
  • Identify resources(people & things)
  • Determine success indicators
  • Anticipate approaches, strategies, decisions
  • Identify the data for self assessment
  • Determine the plan for action
  • Reflect on the benefits of conversation