Powerful Paraphrasing
- Does not contain judgment.
- Does not interpret.
- Uses the client’s language, voice tone & gestures.
- Is authentically a summary, a recap, brief, not parroting: (summary vs repetition).
- Uses metaphors, identifies key or conflicting points and recognizes emotional shifts.
- When appropriate, it ends with a confirm question vs. interpreting; How accurate is that? Or have I gotten that right?
- It is shorter than the original statement. Paraphrase before asking a question.
- Use “YOU” in place of “I.” Keep the “spotlight” on the other person.
1. “Witness the Struggle” …..the emotion—PRESENCE
- “It seems like you are over the top frustrated with her efforts.”
- “It sounds like you’re disappointed in how you responded.”
- “Your tears appear to represent your pride in how much success you have seen.”
2. Capture the ESSENCE / BOTTOM LINE of what the person wants
- “Sounds like you sang the song, Shake it Off, and have moved.”
- “So, your first action is to….and then you will…..” Accurate?
- “On the one hand you want (or feel, or think), and on the other hand, you want….”
- “So it seems you are faced with competing commitments and want to prioritize.”
3. REFRAME THINKING: Reframing one’s thinking to a higher or different level. This may be around strongly held: beliefs, values, assumptions, or made clear by concepts, metaphors, mental models, points of view, examples, possibilities, and definitions.
Negative to Position
Problem to Solution
Complaint to Commitment
- “It sounds like some attitudes are impacting you and how you want to inspire and influence your staff.”
- “So, it feels like the train’s headlights require an immediate goal to close the gap for your students.”
- “It appears very clear to you that you want a committed faculty with high morale to guide and elevate the work of providing exemplary learning for your students and want a plan to make it happen!”
- “Your language screams your desire to be a courageous leader for change.”
Advancing Stems:
because…., you are wanting…, and you are looking for…, because you are committed to…
A REFLECTIVE PARAPHRASE is the process of listening & summarizing the feelings (emotions) and words (the content of the speaker. A REFLECTIVE STATEMENT allows the client to hear their words, see how their beliefs form their perceptions, and face the emotions they are expressing. (Who they are)
- What the person wants
- Emotion/Passion
- Possibility and/or Potential
- What’s already working
Reframe the:
- Negative to positive
- Problem to solution
- Complaint to commitment