Presume Positive Intent
Dr. David Rock, researcher, author and founder of the Neuro Leadership Institute, has identified that the brain is constantly sensing and assessing threat or safety states. Knowing the importance of what the brain is doing naturally, it is easy to see the importance of a safe environment in our conversations.
PRESUMING POSITIVE INTENT is required in the work of coaching. We must believe in the best of others, even when we don’t always see what we hope to see. One very powerful way to influence is to use POSITIVE PRESUPPOSITIONS. This concept gift from Dr. Elgin provides language tools that avoid the subtle or not so subtle impact of language. Here are a few examples to jog your memory:
- “Even Bill could get an A in this class.”
- “If you really cared about your health, you would stop smoking.”
- “That’s such a flattering picture of you.”
A presupposition is anything a native speaker of a language knows is part of the deeper meaning of a language sequence. The meaning is interpreted even if the meaning does not appear in the surface structure of the words and syntax
By paying attention to the presuppositions we use and choosing our words with care, we can more positively influence the thinking and feelings of others with whom we communicate.
- “Do you like school?”vs. “What do you like best at school?”
- A question to an oncologist—“Can you tell me anything about this cancer?”Vs.???
- An interview question-“Have you had any experience working in learning teams? Vs. ???
Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning, said:
“If we take man as he is, we make him worse. If we take man as he should be, we make him capable of what he can be.”
A requirement of MINDSET
Evidenced by Language
American researcher, linguist, and author Suzette Haden Elgin gave us a profound gift of her many books that provide evidence of the negative language that lives in our conversations. Her teachings have offered awareness and tools that can profoundly change the impact, understanding, and relationships within a conversation.