Learn to Manage Change or Be Overwhelmed By It

One thing is constant in 2011, and it is change.  We are faced with a choice, learn to manage change or be overwhelmed by it. School leaders are not immune from this phenomenon. You are constantly being charged with leading all students and staff to perform at higher and higher levels. The future of our students and society depend on how successful you are in this effort.

Today’s 21st century learners will live and work in a completely different world than the teachers & administrators faced as students. As a result, it is imperative that schools equip today’s students with the skills they will need to be productive, successful citizens in their future, even though we are less than certain what it will look like.  

How are you leading your school to prepare students for the world they will face without creating staff burn-out and low morale?

by Bob Carter, M. Ed.
Coaching for Results Global