Our Obligation as Coaches to Ask Our Clients Powerful Questions

In his book “Community:  The Structure of Belonging”, Peter Block describes the work of Kathie Dannenmiller, an innovator in bringing large groups of people together to create visions, build strategies and create directions for institutions and community.  Dannenmiller knew that “the questions with the most power were the ones that touched the heart and spoke to what people were experiencing”.  Her guiding question was “How will the world be different tomorrow as a result of our meeting today?”

What if we adapted that question in our coaching to something like “How will you, as a school leader, be different tomorrow as a result of our coaching today?” As coaches we have the obligation to ask our clients powerful questions that touch their hearts and speak to what they are experiencing.  Though the language of the questions may seem simple – “Who do you want to be in this interaction?” “What can you let go of that may be preventing you from…?” “How do you want others to feel after your interaction with them?” – they are powerful in moving our clients thinking and taking actions that they may not have ever thought of before.

What questions have you asked or been asked that have touched the heart and moved thinking to places that couldn’t have been anticipated?

By Riva Korashan
Coaching for Results Global