The Essential “Mindset” of a Coach Leader
It’s almost inevitable. Those we lead get excited about their goals and plans and begin the work it takes to implement their ideas. Then, over time, they begin to encounter bumps and naysayers along the way. Just when they are about to achieve something remarkable, they give up, discouraged by their doubters. It has been speculated that many people quit at a time when just a ten percent increase in effort would result in goal attainment. It rarely occurs to the dreamer that what appears to be a barrier is only a detour. In the mire of perceived failure, they seldom remember that some of their best detours revealed a new landscape and even greater horizons.
How can a talented coach leader help navigate the detours which often cause people to abandon their plans and abort their missions just inches short of great success? They can help identify strengths/gifts which will fortify the visionary to continue with determination. Wise and gifted coach leaders act as tremendous allies who help keep that other person grounded emotionally and aware of what effort needs to be exerted to achieve their desired goal.
Leaders who lead from a coaching mindset trust that people are fully capable of dreaming, achieving, and implementing their big ideas and strategies if just one other believes in them, asks them exactly the right questions, encourages them with a timely phrase, and then deeply listens while suspending judgment. Finally, leaders who lead from a coaching mindset are there to cheer on the achiever at the moment when celebration is appropriate. Or, if there is another detour, they can sit there saying nothing and just being fully present with the other person.
Who are you as a leader? How do support others taking action toward their goals? What is your “mindset” and how do you advocate for others?
By Reba Schumacher, PCC