The Mindset of Presuming Positive Intent: From Head to Heart to Actions

Twitter Chat
April 16, 2018
8:00-9:00 PM Central

Imagine that you have the ability to observe yourself as you go about your work. What do you notice about the way you interact with others? What language and attitudes are you demonstrating? How do your language and actions represent the mindset you have intentionally cultivated for yourself?

Over and over, we hear school leaders talk about the importance of a mindset that demonstrates a strong belief in others (both at work and in their personal lives). At Results Coaching Global, we call this a Mindset of Presuming Positive Intent.

In this Twitter Chat, we will together share thoughts on the importance of presuming positive intent in both our words and actions. We will consider “trigger” moments that hold the potential to lead us astray from our intended mindset. We will even practice language that speaks to our belief in others. Why do we do this? Because we have a mindset that believes!

About Frances Shuster, PCC, M. Ed.

Frances Shuster is a Partner with Results Coaching Global and coauthor of Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders. She is a faculty instructor and coach for the Results Coaching Global Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).