The Power of Words

Remember that frigid morning this past winter when you would have preferred to remain snuggled in your warm, cozy bed, but you had a mandatory meeting at school? You drove slowly and carefully on the stretch of road where the snow and ice were obvious. What about those patches when the road appeared to be dry? How did you remember to watch for the “black ice?” Great care is required to drive in icy conditions.

As a school leader, it’s critical that you use that same care in choosing your words. Some words are obviously caustic and carry a negative emotional punch. You know to be very careful when using those words, but how about normal everyday words? How careful are you in the use of those? They can be just as treacherous as “black ice.” Do others see your words as manipulative or uplifting and supportive? Would you prefer your investment broker “spend” or “invest” your money? In the past few years, I have experienced times when it felt like my broker was doing more “spending” than “investing.”

As we conclude this school year and prepare for the new one, will your goal setting conferences with staff include the words, “Have you chosen a professional development goal?” or “As you plan for the new school year, what professional development goal have you chosen?”

Our word choice is just as important in our self-talk as it is with others. Research shows that it takes a minimum of fourteen positive comments to overcome one negative comment. When we monitor what we say to ourselves, we celebrate the leadership potential and ability someone else saw in us.

Coaching For Results’ free Coaching Nuggets and monthly Ezine also provide tips to help you enhance your ability to become an even more effective communicator.

Click this link to watch a two minute video that illustrates the powerful impact of words.

What are your thoughts and experiences related to the power of words? Click the following  link to post your comments.

By: Bob Carter, M. Ed.
Coaching for Results Global