For each seminar, the webinar format provides the opportunity for deeper internalization of the knowledge and skills learned in the session. Outcomes include a focus on the essential skills, opportunities to share successes and challenges, and practice coaching with feedback with the RCG staff.
In addition, topic-specific webinars are available for CCEU credit.
Developing My Strengths: Becoming Strengths Strong
This webinar series is designed for those that have taken the Clifton Strengths assessment and are digging deeper into utilizing their Strengths as a tool for deeper engagement and higher productivity. Prerequisites include taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment and having a solid understanding of how your Strengths empower you.
Participants of the Developing My Strengths: Becoming Strength Strong webinar will be evaluating how their Strengths show up every day, analyzing their successes for deeper understanding and increased success, and learning more about the 4 Strengths domains and using our Strengths to increase well-being. In order to better understand what makes us successful we must also be aware of our blind spot to increased successes. We will be specific and intentional throughout our time together.
The webinar will be live on three different afternoons at which time participants will be interacting with each other, discussing and developing their unique strengths and how they best achieve success. Through these interactive sessions, participants will have opportunities to develop their own ideas and application of their strengths as well as partner with others to explore possibilities and build capacity. There will be learning activities for participants before each webinar date.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will identify and analyze success through a Strengths lens.
- Participants will know and recognize potential barriers to success when examining their Top 5 Strengths.
- Participants will apply and reflect on their unique strengths-based actions as they pertain to personal and/or professional goals.
- Participants will know and understand the 4 Strengths domains and begin applying Theme Dynamics.
If you have taken the assessment, there is no need to take it again. Those that are planning to take the assessment can do so by going to The assessment is an additional cost of $19.99 which will be paid directly to Gallup at the Strengths Center website. If you have questions regarding the assessment, please contact Michele McWilliams directly at 870-404-2237.
Dates: April 8, 15 & 22, 2025
Time: 11 AM - 1 PM Central
Cost: $175 per person
Coaching Circles - A Unique Opportunity to Take Your Coaching to a Deeper Level
In the Coaching Circles, coaches will be introduced to new or often asked about skills (e.g. how to interrupt, how to check-in with the client, how to manage reactivity in coaching) that will increase the coaches’ execution with certain ICF coaching competencies. Participants will receive 6 CCEU’s upon completion. This structured and safe environment will also provide coaches with the opportunity to ask questions and to receive support on their coaching development. The access to a PCC credentialed coach during the Coaching Circles offers the opportunity for the participants to receive immediate feedback using the PCC Markers. Finally, participants will witness the coaching expertise of the credentialed coach during the webinar and will be allowed to explore the coaching moves for individualized coaching development.
How Do Coaching Circles Work?
- Participants meet together in a private Zoom meeting room.
- A PCC level coach leads the coaching circle.
- The RCG coach brings a learning piece specific to coaching for expanding the learning and development of participants.
- A portion of each meeting focuses on participants practicing coaching and receiving feedback in a safe and non-judgment setting.
- Each participant coaches and receives feedback at least once during the four sessions.
- The RCG coach coaches at least once during the 4 meetings.
Who Will Coaching Circles Serve?
- Any person who has completed at least one of the RCG seminars.
- Any person interested in growing as a coach.
How will Coaching Circles Benefit the Participants?
- Participants will have a safe place to work with a small group of people who desire to grow in their coaching skills.
- Participants will practice coaching and receive feedback that offers reflection and growth opportunities for all members.
- It’s an opportunity to work with a PCC level coach.
- Participants will receive 6 CCEU’s upon completion.
Time: 5:00 - 6:30 PM Central
Cost: $375 per person
ICF Core Competency Study and Application - (Lab Environment)
Purpose: To deepen the internalization and implementation of core competencies in coaching
Outcomes: Learners will have the opportunity to:
- Study the core competencies with a focus on the big picture and integration of the Competencies and PCC markers
- Observe a coaching conversation with observation and feedback
- Learn, observe and/or receive feedback from a mentor coach credentialed as a Master Certified Coach (MCC)
Audience: Graduates or soon to be graduates
Description: Learners in this session are ready to sharpen their skillfulness as a coach. Designed specifically for participants who either hold their credential or are on the path to becoming a credentialed coach, this series of 3 two-hour webinars are for those who want to study and apply the competencies to their coaching.
- Session 1: With Ethics, as the foundation of coaching in this webinar, we will examine the new PCC framework for demonstrating ethical qualifiers. Content includes a discussion of ethical frameworks as the basis for ethical judgments. We will use coaching scenarios to generate examples of evidence for ethical qualifiers. This session will include small group breakouts.
- Session 2: Coaching Mindset and Synergy with four key competencies will be our focus. In this webinar, we’ll look at the concept of coaching mindset and how it informs the way coaches foster trust and intimacy, partnership with the client, attention to listening to what the client offers in evoking client awareness of self and situation. This session will include an observed coaching session.
- Session 3: This session focuses on Mindset and Ethics in Establishing Agreement and Fostering Client Learning and Growth. We will consider how a coaching mindset and ethical framework show up in establishing and maintaining a session agreement and in fostering client learning and growth based on awareness and insight.
You've Been Hired As A Coach - Now What?
Purpose: To gain confidence for the most challenging, yet critical, conversations we must have
Outcomes: Learners will have the opportunity to:
- Learn 6 essential concepts to support anyone’s success as a new or novice coach
- Build confidence, competence, and courage to approach the role and the people served to achieve their goals as well as the goals of the coach
Audience: Open to any school leader in a coach role
Description: This three-part webinar series is designed to offer 6 essential concepts to support anyone’s success as a new or novice coach. This seminar will build confidence, competence, and courage to approach the role and the people served to achieve their goals as well as the goals of the coach.
Join us for this three-part webinar series designed specifically for instructional coaches – whether you are new to the role or looking for more specific support in how to be a rock-star coach!
Dates: September 11, 18 & October 2, 2025
Time: 9 AM to Noon Central
Cost: $400 per person
Holding Difficult Conversations: Releasing the Anxieties and Increasing the Results
Purpose: To gain confidence for the most challenging, yet critical, conversations we must have
Outcomes: Learners will have the opportunity to:
- Review 5 key questions to assist in planning for difficult conversations
- Examine a Coach Leader Conversation Frame for holding difficult conversations
- Observe and reflect on a difficult coaching conversation simulation
- Practice and reflect on the use of the Coach Leader Conversation Frame in difficult conversations
Audience: Open to any school leader desiring tools for difficult conversations
Description: Every leader knows that there comes a time to hold conversations with staff members where concerns and deficiencies are spoken and resolutions are created. And yet, in confidential conversations, many school leaders will admit they are anxious about holding these conversations. They refer to them as "difficult" or "hard" and voice uncertainties about how best to begin and maneuver through these meetings. What if there was a much less stressful way to hold difficult conversations? What if there was a Coach Leader Conversation Frame designed specifically for holding difficult conversations? And, what if this framework actually increases the potential for stronger results? Come and experience for yourself the power of holding difficult conversations that release anxieties and increase results.
Book Study: Dare To Lead by Brene Brown
Brene Brown spent twenty years studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy, and then completed a seven-year study on brave leadership. Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It’s time for all of us to step up.
The goal of Results Coaching Global’s, Dare to Lead book study is to share what Brene has learned about taking off the armor and showing up as leaders in a skills-based and actionable playbook. Here are a few of the big ideas that emerged from her research:
Daring leadership is a collection of four skill sets that are 100% teachable, observable, and measurable. The foundational skill set of courage-building is “rumbling with vulnerability.” Once we have built these rumbling skills, we can move on to the other three skill sets: Living into Our Values, Braving Trust, and Learning to Rise. Our ability to be daring leaders will never be greater than our capacity for vulnerability.
The greatest barrier to courageous leadership is not fear—it’s how we respond to our fear. Our armor—the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that we use to protect ourselves when we aren’t willing and able to rumble with vulnerability—move us out of alignment with our values, corrode trust with our colleagues and teams, and prevent us from being our most courageous selves.
To scale daring leadership and build courage in teams and organizations, we have to cultivate a culture in which brave work, tough conversations, and whole hearts are the expectation, and armor is not necessary or rewarded. We have to be vigilant about creating a culture in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected.
The skill sets that make up courage are not new; they’ve been aspirational leadership skills for as long as there have been leaders. We just haven’t had the courage for real talk about courage. But it’s time.
This book study applies all the skills learned in Results Coaching; engages in Brene's insights and research and will energize and inspire you to Dare to Lead.
Book Study: Insight by Tasha Eurich
Purpose: To provide stimulating study of self-awareness, meaning knowing who we are and how others see us, in order to support continued growth opportunities for coaches and for those we coach.
Audience: Open to anyone interested in continuous growth as a coach or a coach leader.
Description: What if each of us could broaden insight for ourselves and for those we coach? What if we were better able to support those we coach in strengthening relationships and results, as they better understand themselves? Tasha Eurich’s book offers substantial research to support the belief that while most people don’t see themselves as clearly as they could, all can increase their own self-awareness as they better understand themselves by looking inward with self-reflection and outward as they ask for honest feedback.
Book Study: Coach the Person, Not the Problem by Marcia Reynolds
Here is what you will get by joining us:
- New insights about what masterful coaching encompasses.
- Ways to move from transactional coaching to transformational coaching.
- Participate in a drawing to have a private coaching session with an RCG Professional Certified Coach around your own desire to expand your coaching practice, or whatever else will best serve you.
- Participants will receive 6 CCEUs upon completion.
Our Evaluation Services provide evaluation follow-up at the conclusion of all seminars and individual coaching agreements extending for six months or longer. Data is gathered on a Likert-type scale which measures the degree of impact of coaching services as well as overall customer satisfaction. Additionalally, a qualitative evaluation dsign is available to districts and organizations seeking to describe in depth the impact of coaching within the organization. This evaluation design includes a written, customized report for the district or organization.

In the event that there is a need to cancel a registration, RCG will refund all money up to two weeks prior to the date the seminar begins. Any cancellations taking place less than two weeks from the date the seminar begins will be charged a $75 late cancellation fee, or an alternative may be sent in place of the person canceling, if the alternative meets all course prerequisites.
"I've been with my RCG coach for 9 years now. It is the best professional development investment I've ever made. My coach is my sounding board, my thinking partner, and my guide through the thickness of uncertainty. She supports me in my personal and professional goal setting, achievement and reflection. An RCG Coach is a requirement for me to be the kind of instructional leader my district deserves."
- David Curry, Superintendent, Union Hill School District, California