Bouncing Forward to a new Normal

As we begin our entrance into spring, the time that brings new energy, new life, and new hope, I find many of our educators wearier, more discouraged, more struggling than thriving. Each time I am blessed to work in our schools the heaviness is witnessed. In our recent Strengths Webinar on “Using our Strengths for…

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Thoughts for Uncertain Times

hiker looking at mountain sunset

“In times of great change, the learners will inherit the Earth while those attached to old certainties will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer What is this time of uncertainty teaching us? Coach leaders are present and future focused. We are learners and hold a growth…

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Mindset of a Coach Leader

In their book Multipliers, Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown write that leaders who are multipliers “…operate from a belief that talent exists everywhere and they can use it at its highest if they can simply identify the genius in people.” As I read the above sentence, it strikes me that leaders who have truly internalized…

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