It’s a New Year—Feedback for Motivation and Focus
As we begin a new year, some people have made New Year’s resolutions while others are still focusing on accomplishing the goals set back in August or September. Either way, what’s essential is receiving feedback to maintain motivation and focus. So many authorities from Harvard and Gallup and many leadership groups tell leaders that staff…
Read MoreOpen Wide for Gratitude
Our emphasis this month is on expanding a deeper sense of gratitude. After all, where we focus our attention gets stronger. How would you define gratitude? While there are many definitions, let’s say it is a positive state of being, encompassing appreciation and thankfulness for people, experiences and things in our lives, both large and…
Read MoreKeeping Joy at our Center Part 2
Ugly Efficiency: Discover the Secret Power of Beauty The benefit of beauty is joy. Utility—by itself—is ugly. When you add beauty to efficiency, you build human organizations. Ugly organizations are effective, efficient, and joyless. Let yourself be joyful. The Beauty List: #1. A morning without email. Designate one morning a week as a no-email morning.…
Read MoreKeeping Joy at our Center
Decades ago, when I was taking classes to be certified in Gifted and Talented leadership, one of my favorite professors, Dr. Ann McGee-Cooper, impacted my life by teaching us that joy should be at the center of all we do. We even made a little notebook about how we can always find time for joy.…
Read MoreEver Elusive: Work-Life Balance
What a perfect topic for this time of the year. It’s the time when we refill our tanks so to speak. We seek the beach, the mountains, or whatever place feeds our soul. We kick up our feet, read a good book, take a camping trip, or travel to a destination we have longed to…
Read MoreWhy Am I So Tired?
Doesn’t it seem puzzling to you that you can wake from 7 hours of sleep and find yourself saying, “I’m so tired! I’m just so tired!” Maybe that’s because you are! . . . because there are different types of rest. Marcia Reynolds discovered that when she heard Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of Sacred Rest, speak…
Read MoreGetting in Touch with All Three Brains
You may be curious, feel connection, or have a gut reaction (head, heart, gut) to the idea of three distinct brains. You may find confirmation that things you have experienced or sensed intuitively have a biological basis. Each brain has a biological role. The Heart Brain operates on the principles of empathy and connection, constantly…
Read MoreHabits that Inspire
In our January ezine, you learned about Pete Zafra, a personal development blogger whose goal is to inspire as he teaches. Recently his blog caught my attention as I love to compare my best habits to other professionals. His latest blog offers eleven habits for having a complete and successful life. I’d love to continue…
Read MoreDecember’s Gift: The Significance of Joy, Part II
In the previous article in this series, we looked at intentionally adding different “I-N-G” words to our month of December. We’ll continue that idea in this article by taking a deeper dive with a twist by exploring the connection between gratitude and joy. These are interconnected emotions. When you cultivate gratitude, you are acknowledging and…
Read MoreDecember’s Gift: The Significance of Joy, Part I
December is here AND, with it, comes so much! – Decorating, Baking, Eating, Shopping, Wrapping, Partying, Celebrating, and sometimes Stressing!! Whew! Sounds like so much BUSY-NESS, doesn’t it? With that BUSY-NESS, the true gift of the season is often overlooked. So, let’s pause and talk about joy! The importance of joy during the holiday season…
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