Coaching Skills
How SuperPowers Transform the Culture
In this article, the second in our monthly series, we will continue to explore the concept of SuperPower and how, when activated, it enhances our effectiveness and influence as leaders. Let’s revisit the Middle School in Tahoe Truckee, CA, to see how they are carrying this theme forward throughout the year. One significant step the…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Superpower?
SuperPower! This concept of exploring SuperPowers appears to be a theme in many of our current films. Expressed in different ways such as SuperHeros, SuperHuman abilities, or heightened capabilities, these movies tap into deeper themes of power, responsibility, and identity. While you may initially be thinking I’m talking about a costume you put on or…
Read MoreOpen Wide for Gratitude
Our emphasis this month is on expanding a deeper sense of gratitude. After all, where we focus our attention gets stronger. How would you define gratitude? While there are many definitions, let’s say it is a positive state of being, encompassing appreciation and thankfulness for people, experiences and things in our lives, both large and…
Read MoreHow is Your Attitude on Gratitude?
Many years ago, a movie featured a song that offered insights on how best to deal with worry and fatigue. While we are not sure the degree to which the song was based on scientific evidence – the message still rings true today. Here is a line from the song, sung by Bing Crosby in…
Read MoreLooping for Understanding
In today’s contentious and often polarizing dynamic, we search for effective ways to connect and understand others with whom we disagree.
Read MoreThe Importance of Connection
We experience the importance of connection daily—with our significant others, with our families, our friends, our colleagues, our communities, and with those we may encounter rarely or even only once. How do we invite others in? How do we show others we want to connect? We know that we pay attention to body language, facial…
Read MoreIlluminator or Diminisher?
David Brooks, in his new book, How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen, makes a distinction between Diminishers and Illuminators. “Diminishers make people feel small and unseen. Illuminators have a persistent curiosity about other people and have trained themselves in the craft of understanding others. They shine…
Read MoreMay – a Month for Powerful Conversations Wrapped in a SCARF Part 2
A few weeks ago, you had a chance to remember how powerful a tool David Rock gave us in SCARF. As you may remember, the five elements are parts of a tool that can continually guide you in any conversation. Being mindful of words, body language, and gestures, we have an advanced insight into what…
Read MoreMay – a Month for Powerful Conversations wrapped in a SCARF
Throughout my many leadership years in education, the month of May was always joyful to me. It was a time for meaningful conversations, reflections and just learning more about my staff doing the important, yet difficult work in education. Some conversations might be about the future of a staff member, others would certainly be about…
Read MoreCoaching is a Creative Process
In this month’s previous article, we looked at Saundra Dalton-Smith’s 7 Types of Rest that impact our happiness, productivity, and fulfillment. One of those she identified is the need for Creative Rest. Admittedly, age, stress, and the demands of life can diminish our creative options so the question becomes – How do we re-awaken our…
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