Celebrate Significant Moments

Senior, Sydney Brown with Leslie Gibson, G/T Chemistry teacher and president and sponsor of the Great Thinkers Society, Lewisville ISD

The approaching end of a school year holds numerous opportunities for celebrations large and small. Last week I had the opportunity to witness a celebration of graduating seniors and significant teachers and mentors in their lives. The event, Evening with the Stars, was sponsored by Flower Mound High School in the Lewisville Independent School District. Results Coaching Global has worked with LISD leaders for several years, and we celebrate successes along with the coach leaders who make a difference with students every day. I attended because my oldest granddaughter, Sydney, was among the students being celebrated. The “Stars” were graduating seniors who met high standards in four criteria (standards and expectations that were clear, articulated, and met by all who were honored). The “VIPs” were the teachers and mentors honored by the students. Each “Star” was presented a medal signifying his/her accomplishments. Then, each had the microphone for a brief moment to articulate a tribute and present a rose to someone who had been a positive influence in his/her life. Words and phrases that were frequently heard included, “Cared about me.” “Made me feel important.” “Helped me understand.” “Pushed me out of my comfort zone.” “Helped me feel a part of.” “Helped me find a direction for my life.” “Took time with me.” Following these tributes, parents of the “Stars” were presented with a rose and an envelope with a personal tribute to them from their child.

There were smiles and tears all around—students, teachers/mentors, and parents. Undoubtedly, the event provided significant, memorable moments and lasting memories as the seniors begin to transition into life as young adults. The adults in their lives will also remember the heartfelt tributes from the students as they recall and appreciate the contributions of their teachers and parents to their success. This evening was a moment of elevation and pride, carefully designed and executed to provide and celebrate memorable moments for students, teachers, parents and administrators.

About Frances Shuster, PCC, M. Ed.

Frances Shuster is a Partner with Results Coaching Global and coauthor of Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders. She is a faculty instructor and coach for the Results Coaching Global Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).