Dreams Do Come True! – Chapter 2

Carrying on the idea of testing how my one word written in 2019 – Move – is continuing to show up in my life, suggests a second story. In 2019, I wrote, “Dreams do come true!” when speaking about purchasing the home right next door to my son and grandchildren. While some parts of the dream were coming true, it was impossible to even conceptualize the full impact of my one word in the ensuing years.

Before I continue with Chapter 2, I want to reiterate something I previously said – “I’m sure you have heard this saying – that if you put something (a goal, a wish, a want) out into the world, it will happen.” Not only do I believe this 100%, this story is an example of how it manifested itself for me.

The original story celebrated the fact that I even had the opportunity to purchase a home on the Saint John’s River right next door to my grandchildren. Let’s get the next part of this story straight. We’re talking about a 40-year-old home that is not up to code in so many ways. AND, COVID was just beginning. For a year to a year and a half, things “moved” at a snail’s pace – product was iffy, delivery delays were a given, and workers were either non-existent or over-extended.

One began to wonder if this “move” was ever going to happen. Time passes, storage units are stocked with appliances, flooring, tile, cabinets, hardware, etc. just waiting for the signal to “move” forward. In the meantime, the walls are coming down – demo day as Chuck Gaines would say, trenches are being dug for plumbing and electrical, and LARGE beautiful trees are being removed because they are creating problems with the foundation. Then, the opposite occurs – walls up, floors installed, AC is on.

Long story short, for those of you who have either built or renovated a home, Moving Day finally came on June 3, 2023. With patience, belief, and lots of support, it only took four years. With that; however, came the significant moves – moving into a closer relationship with my son, the General Contractor, and moving closer to my grandkids so I can swim with them, learn with them, and celebrate with them. Dreams Do Come True!

About Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.

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