Keeping Joy at our Center Part 2

joyUgly Efficiency: Discover the Secret Power of Beauty

The benefit of beauty is joy. Utility—by itself—is ugly. When you add beauty to efficiency, you build human organizations. Ugly organizations are effective, efficient, and joyless. Let yourself be joyful.

The Beauty List:

#1. A morning without email.

Designate one morning a week as a no-email morning. Tell the team to turn off email. All communication is by phone. No Zoom either. If you use Zoom, turn off the camera.

#2. Outlaw gray.

Add color to your workplace.

#3. Treat people like dogs.

Sometimes, I wish I were a dog. When you come home, you spend a few minutes with your dog. You scratch her behind the ears. You say playful things.

How can you treat people like the dogs you love at work?

#4. Add plants.

Green is good.

#5. Play music.

People should hear “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” when they walk into meetings. If not that, play some classic rock like “We Will Rock You.”

 “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty and joy to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble.”

Helen Keller

#6. Surprise.

A little variety refreshes the spirit. Too much change causes stress.

  1. End meetings early.
  2. Have food.
  3. Take the chairs and table out of the room. Movement is good.
  4. Give 5 minutes for a team member to share an efficiency tip.
  5. Begin with good news.

#7. Think about people.

You’re an ugly leader if all you think about is getting stuff done.

How can you do something beautiful today?

Source: Dan Rockwell, Leadership Freak 2024

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