Look to CASTLE for Inspiring Leadership

“Inspiring leadership is about building great, deep, and inspiring—and loving—relationships, and the qualities required to do that are universal…”. Lance H.K. Secretan offers us the CASTLE Principle in his book, The Bellwether Effect: Stop Following, Start Inspiring.

One of the key ideas in Secretan’s work is the distinction between motivation and inspiration. He describes motivation as a “push” mechanism and inspiration as a “pull” mechanism. Motivation is extrinsic. Inspiration is intrinsic. Motivation comes from an external source, while inspiration springs from the fire within. Motivation may be short-lived, while inspiration is connected to our deepest core.


Secretan states that the purpose of deep dialogue using the CASTLE Principle is to remove any interference that is obstructing an individual’s opportunity to meet their full potential.

Secretan’s CASTLE Principle


Here are some ways to check our own leadership modeling and your organization’s leadership through the lens of CASTLE:


I am brave enough to ask the difficult questions.
I see courage modeled every day by our leaders.
“What would it take to show courage in this situation?”


I am completely free to be myself in life and work.
Our organization’s strategies and actions are in line with our core values.
“How can I show up with greater authenticity?”


My work fills my life with meaning and fulfillment.
My leader actively supports me in achieving my personal aspirations and dreams.
“In what ways will I seek opportunities for service to others?”


I tell the truth in everything that I do in life and work.
Truthfulness is honored as a top priority in this organization.
“How am I being truthful with myself/with others?”


When I win, no one else loses.
I feel cared for and loved at work.
“What are some ways I will show more love and care to others?”


I offer my best in what I do.
My work makes an important contribution to creating a better world.
“How do I use my strengths for greatest contribution and effectiveness?”

Consider the CASTLE Principle in your personal and professional leadership to inspire others as well as ignite, reignite, and keep your internal fire going. After all, who doesn’t want to live in a castle?

About Frances Shuster, PCC, M. Ed.

Frances Shuster is a Partner with Results Coaching Global and coauthor of Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders. She is a faculty instructor and coach for the Results Coaching Global Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).

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