Loving What You Do – It Makes a Difference

heartsDuring the month of “Love” we have the opportunity to focus on the things we love – like the work we do for children in schools; the lives we touch and change forever.

While education has never made teachers rich in wealth, it offers the opportunity to richly influence the lives of others and impact the lives they live. Recently an article surfaced about why it is important to love what you do. It made me think about the wonderful educators who have been in our seminars this past month, working so very hard, so full of passion about and to their work. They exemplified the following 12 reasons to love what you do.

  1. You feel more fulfilled.
  2. You are more productive.
  3. You’re more motivated.
  4. You become a source of motivation to other.
  5. Your family and peers look up to you.
  6. Your mental health improves.
  7. You want to keep learning and improving.
  8. You’re a more effective leader.
  9. You’re excited to tackle new industry challenges – new possibilities for doing the work.
  10. Your work doesn’t feel like a chore.
  11. You can serve others better.
  12. You push yourself to succeed even more.

hearts2Every day educators demonstrate their passion and commitment through the love they show. Having all these reasons to “love what you do” – it just could be that, it’s like the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you educators all; teachers and leaders for the difference you make in our world.