Moving Toward the Light . . . with Clients, Part II

woman looking out window thinkingIn this month’s Choice Magazine – the magazine of professional coaching, the theme is Resilience – Life Beyond Disruption. Certainly, our lives have been disrupted by the events of the last two years. Let’s take that disruption forward as we continue to “move toward the light” in our work with our clients. Let’s go deeper.

One question that invites us to reframe our thinking about what has happened to us in the last few years is, “What are the unexpected blessings and opportunities that have emerged as a result of recent world events? What is possible now as we explore our ongoing growth, learning, and development?

In his article, “The Mindfulness Moment,” Patrick Chapman offers that “Presence produces a portal to resilience. It presents opportunities for us, as well as our clients, to slow down, process what is happening in the moment, and regroup.”

Because presence is an internal state that creates awareness in the moment for what’s going on internally and externally, how we, as coaches, manage our attention directly influences our client’s capacity for resilience, especially when we are dealing with the so called ‘hard stuff’.”

Chapman believes our full presence as coaches invites our clients to gain focus and to direct their attention to what is really important. Because we invite conversation about the person as well as the situation, clients look inward toward their resourcefulness and resilience to match what the situation calls for. Re-centering on purpose always encourages the possibility of a change in perspective. With trust and safety as the base, we support, encourage, and challenge clients to explore limiting beliefs and barriers and to celebrate progress and success.

In addition to the competency-based strategies described above, here are five additional strategies coaches employ to build resilience in self and others.

  1. Change the narrative
  2. Face your fears
  3. Practice self-compassion
  4. Meditate
  5. Cultivate forgiveness

How are you, as a coach leader, inviting your client to “move toward the light” in 2022?

Schleifer, Garry, PCC, CMC., CHOICE: the magazine of professional coaching, Vol 19, Number 4.

About Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.

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