Moving Toward the Light . . . with Self and Others, Part III

keep-goingAs we continue our theme of moving toward the light, let’s view another article from Choice Magazine – the magazine of professional coaching. Following the topic, Resilience – Life Beyond Disruption is an article entitled, “Resilience – It ain’t what you think!” by Eileen McDargh.

While Eileen acknowledges that the headline may not be grammatically correct, it exemplifies the point she wants to make that the definition of resilience may not be what it seems. She wants us to know that resilience is “not just a crisis only skill!” Instead, it’s a life skill. She states, “It’s about growing through challenges and opportunities to become stronger, wiser, and more skilled in the process. Ultimately, she says, “It comes down to energy management. Do you have the emotional, mental, and physical energy to move forward?” (to move toward the light!)

McDargh offers these practices for building resilience in ourselves and others.

  1. Understand that resilience is cultivated.
  2. Acknowledge to yourself and your clients that life is different now.
  3. Allow space for yourself and others to express emotional vulnerability.
  4. Recognize that daily pressures can feel relentless – and may induce fear.
  5. Create deep social connections.
  6. Release unrealistic expectations of yourself and others.
  7. Replenish your energy.
  8. Make gratitude a daily practice.

Moving Toward the Light unlocks our resilience and resourcefulness, courage, and the creativity that our deepest fears my have otherwise kept dormant.

How are you intentionally moving toward the light?

Schleifer, Garry, PCC, CMC., CHOICE: the magazine of professional coaching, Vol 19, Number 4.

About Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.

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