Notes from Converge 2019

I was privileged to attend the ICF (International Coach Federation) Converge 2019 in late October. Nearly 1,000 coaches representing 70 countries attended this learning and celebration of the global coaching community. Currently, ICF is the world’s largest organization of professionally trained coaches and the leading voice for the global coaching community. The vision of the ICF: ensuring that coaching is an integral part of a thriving society and every ICF Member represents the highest quality of professional coaching. Results Coaching Global is proudly associated with the ICF as we are an ACTP (Accredited Coach Training Program). All of our coaches and faculty instructors are accredited coaches through the ICF. We believe that coaching is a profession requiring rigorous study and evidence of adhering to high standards of coaching and coach training.


The ICF continues to lead the coaching profession in making bold steps forward. Some upcoming changes:

  • In January 2020, the International Coach Federation will become the International Coaching Federation.
  • New opportunities are in place, called ICF Family Organizations. They include:
    • An association for ICF coaches, to provide ICF Members and Chapters with access to new opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration and business development.
    • The ICF Foundation, which is on a mission to connect and equip coaches and organizations to accelerate and amplify impact on social progress through coaching.
    • A thought leadership body that will help create and influence the future of coaching.
    • An entity promoting the growth of strong coaching cultures in businesses and organizations.
    • Making two distinct organizations:
      • Credentialing
      • Accreditation

When the ICF was founded in 1995, its purpose was to give credibility to an emerging profession and give coaches a place to connect with one another. As the ICF prepares to celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2020, coaching is no longer emerging—it is widely accepted as a way of being, learning, and doing.

For more information and to stay abreast of ICF advancements, visit

About Frances Shuster, PCC, M. Ed.

Frances Shuster is a Partner with Results Coaching Global and coauthor of Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders. She is a faculty instructor and coach for the Results Coaching Global Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).


  1. Jimmy on December 10, 2019 at 8:44 pm

    Thank you

  2. Kim Richardson on December 13, 2019 at 11:09 am

    This is very exciting and I’m looking forward to sharing it!

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