One Word

I first heard a Superintendent speak about his one word in one of my Webinar check ins. “One Word” for the year. When I first heard about it, I was curious . . . but not enough to learn any more about it. Interesting . . . but not compelling me to action – not even to search for the book.

Time passed, and I kept hearing others speak about their One Word. Then, the schools I was working in were talking about their one word for the entire school. Finally, an RCG colleague, Dr. Lloyd Sain, mentioned how he had received the book as a gift from a fellow educator. Leaving for an adventure (vacation) over the Christmas holidays, he decided to read it on the plane rather than his usual habit of working. Now, he swears it is transforming his life, especially regarding how he thinks about his resolutions and goals for this New Year. He says, “No more of that . . . just One Word.”

That was enough to convince me. So, to I went. To date, I’ve received the book, read it in one sitting, and opened my heart to the first step – creating a space for my One Word to show up. While somewhat skeptical, the ideas stayed with me as I began to listen to what was showing up for me. Novel idea – RIGHT? Listen! Yet this listening was different. It was not an external process; it was internal. And, guess what . . .my word began to emerge.

Here is some of what I heard when I was listening internally:

  • An annual health exam with the conclusion – eat healthy and exercise more.
  • Blood work that had never indicated a cholesterol problem with the recommendation to eat healthy and exercise more.
  • A desire to acquire a home next to my grandchildren so that Gran’s house is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.
  • A fact that at least 28% of Floridians live alone.
  • A wish to travel less so that I could establish a day that is exclusively Gran’s to pick up the kiddos after school, share a snack, and maybe even play a game or do homework.

So, what did these reflections lead me to? Discovering my One Word.

My One Word is MOVE!

Move my body, move my mind, and move from my condo to a new home next door to my grandchildren . . . move in every possible way.

This month’s social media will focus on the BIG IDEAS from a very small red book called, “One Word that will change your life”.


My One Word

By Karen Anderson, PCC

About Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.


  1. Casandra Lott-Woods on February 12, 2019 at 9:13 am

    Thanks for sharing, totally inspiring! Looking for and planning for my one word!

  2. Beverly Sanders on February 13, 2019 at 8:51 am

    Karen, INSPIRING! as always! I miss you!

  3. Gail Hartin on February 18, 2019 at 2:55 pm

    Thank you, Karen – this is very timely for this season of my journey!

  4. Denise Bleggi on February 22, 2019 at 11:53 am

    Thanks for the inspiration. I am finding my one word!

  5. Ross Light on March 24, 2019 at 6:59 pm

    Karen! I am so happy for you. I remember when you shared that this was a possibility. It’s been a process but, it finally happened! I’m so proud for you. Enjoy your new home and your time with family. God is good.

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