Overwhelming to Say the Least

woman juggling platesAmazing! It’s already October . . . and, without a doubt, we’ve moved into the work . . . almost forgetting that glorious summer vacation, the great books we have read, or the feeling of having enough rest and relaxation. Some of you are already talking about how tired you are feeling.

The “O” in October has been replaced by “Overwhelming”. As we have been working with you this year, we are seeing a pattern over and over again across the board in every district with whom we work. We are hearing language such as, “I’m exhausted!”, “My teachers are so stressed out!” “My staff is feeling the tension of the job and are speaking it to us.” Let’s face it . . . this is a hard month! We have moved beyond the excitement and energy that comes with beginning a new year. So, what do we do – for ourselves and for our work as Coach Leaders? Here are a handful of possibilities:

  1. Engage in coaching conversations. Ones that acknowledge how folks are feeling and thinking. Be a witness to the struggle of another (remember the iceberg). Full presence is experienced as encouragement and support without even saying a word.
  2. “Listen For” instead of “listening to”. Hear what each other want, the emotion that bubbles beneath the surface, and what’s already working. Reframe from negative to positive, problem to solution, and complaint to commitment.
  3. Take a breath. Remember to breathe. Often under stress, we forget the importance of deep breathing; inhaling and exhaling. Giving ourselves permission to be still for a moment can resurface energy, focus, and commitment.
  4. Focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking is an oxymoron and does cause the brain to feel overwhelmed. With intention, we can manage our distractions – both internally and externally.
  5. And last but not least, . . . Eat some chocolate! Ha! Ha! – While this might please some of us, it’s really about being mindful of how we are fueling our bodies. How is what we are eating giving us the appropriate level of energy for what we are attempting to accomplish? And, occasionally, what guilty pleasure gives us that little extra boost that says, “We can do this!”

These are just a few strategies for keeping October the month it was intended to be – a signal announcing the arrival of cooler weather, bright and colorful leaves, and the fun of Halloween!

About Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.


  1. Kim Richardson on October 11, 2022 at 1:37 pm

    Thank you:)

  2. Beverly Sanders on October 12, 2022 at 8:02 am

    Awesome, Karen! Miss you!

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