Part 2: School Transitions Reflections and Inspiration

How are we staying inspired as we face overwhelming demands and challenges? How do we keep ourselves inspired, hopeful and energized? The work you are doing impacts daily lives and for the future. You must believe in yourself and the mission of your work.

Quotes offer that moment for inspiration. I would bet many of you have posters or signs around you to keep your focus and spirit. Here may be a few more.

Pause to Reflect and Refocus

“Focus determines the quality and direction of your life.” Dan Rockwell

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.” Steven Covey

Urgencies distract us all the time. One option may be to dedicate five minutes at noon to pause and reflect on the morning and refocus the afternoon. Remember to:

  • Breathe – deep breathing revitalizes our brain and supports concentration!
  • Honor progress – regardless of how small; remember, small things make the big things easier.
  • Consider – are the distractions you keep chasing supporting your focused goals?
  • Choose the “code red” items for the day. Focus on one, then another, not all.
  • Identify one blessing that is supporting you today!

One learning in the field of Coaching is to ask for what you want. Please join us at our Results Coaching Global seminars this next school year. Learning to have conversations that inspire and motivate; giving up being the expert and advisor – find tools that support your work in the pressure as well as the celebrations. Your work does make a difference! Your work matters, You matter!

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