Tears and Gratitude – Standing Together

Tears come when you least expect them. An example happened on the evening of July 6, 2014 as the Major League All Star Baseball game began. That’s a time when tears showed up in our home as an unexpected visitor. The tears appeared as I watched 30 classroom teachers representing every major league walk onto the field for recognition of the significant impact they make in the lives of the children they teach. And, to top it off, the voice in the background was Idini Menzel singing “Forever Young.” The pictures, the voice, the event – a perfect combination to bring forth deep feelings of appreciation for dedicated teachers and school leaders from across this county and the globe. Personal memories surfaced of the beginning of my career. A vision of a novice first-grade teacher with fear and determination wrapped hand in hand as she began her work. A flash of pictures kept coming – alternating from the smiles of the faces on the field to my own personal journey of years spent teaching and then leading. A journey for which I’m forever grateful!

Gratitude. To share a quote from Brene’ Brown’s Daring Greatly (2012), “It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” That’s what those tears were about – joyful gratitude for all school leaders that dedicate themselves to making a significant difference in the lives of the students they teach and appreciation that I was called to walk that journey with them.

See for yourself as you watch this video and thank you educators for your heroic response to the expectations set before you as you begin this new school year.

Vicky Dearing, PCC

[Video no longer available on YouTube]