Thoughts for Uncertain Times

“In times of great change, the learners will inherit the Earth while those attached to old certainties will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
Eric Hoffer
What is this time of uncertainty teaching us? Coach leaders are present and future focused. We are learners and hold a growth mindset. Often, our challenge is to be still long enough to notice the learning for us in the present, while we try to solve past problems and plan for the future.
A question to ask yourself: “What keeps me from being present in the moment?” For me, it includes the things I feel I must do (inner expectations), things others expect of me, (outer expectations), the “doings” of a busy life. And the distractions! The distractions, large and small, that constantly call and pull me away from the present moment.
Even while we are creating plans for the future, if we are able to trust and respect what is unknown, we are more open to possibility and potential for learning and growth. We are open to even stronger plans for the future than if we fail to notice what is present and emerging in the moment.
All of this requires the intention to set aside the need to know, minimize distractions, withhold judgment, and really listen with what Theodore Riek calls a third ear. The third ear is using your whole body as a sensor to pick up clues about what is happening in the field more than acting like an interpreter who is planning what to do next. This allows you to hear more of what IS at a subtle and subconscious level—the fertile places from which most growth comes. My challenge, for myself and for you, is to make a commitment to intentionally set aside a few minutes to be in the present moment without self-judgment. For the moment, give up the need for certainty. Stay curious to what is emerging for you. What is the learning and growth that you will take from this present moment into the future?