What Else Can We Do?

As school leaders we must continually reflect upon school representation. It matters. As we walk through our schools, how are all students represented, how is the staff represented? How real and relevant is our content? What are the ways we align our instructional outcomes with current facts in history and culture? How are we exploring different points of view and cultural points of view? It’s okay to not have all the answers. What if faculty meetings tackled some of the tough dilemmas we face and we address more openly and honestly how to resolve the challenges of systemic racism for the best interest of our students, and our communities.

cheerful school children
  • Consider how to respond to parents who says things that create a sense of privilege or insensitivity.
  • Practice responses for those moments that will be kind and respectful, yet remind parents of the goals of the school and best education for their child.

Courage is on the line. Courage for us all to listen, speak up and end the silence. Our educational system is our best chance to change the world. If not us, who? If not now, when? Be the change you want to see! Stand up, speak up, live courageously.

Read other posts in this series at this link.

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