Coach leaders communicate values by expressing clear expectations for all and asking staff questions that result in deep reflection.

Some examples of a shared value and reflective, open-ended questions include:

Since members of our school community value life-long learning,

What professional growth activities are you finding most helpful in developing your lessons?

Rather than

Did you do any professional reading this month?

What criteria is your grade level professional learning community using to ensure you each reach your learning goals for this year?

Rather than

Could you develop criteria for your PLC?

In what ways are your PLC activities translating into high learning expectations for your students?

Rather than

Do you use any ideas from your PLC meetings in your classroom?

What suggestions are you thinking about to improve our professional learning process?

Rather than

Do you have any suggestions about the PD program?

What are you noticing about the culture of our school this year?

Rather than

Do you see any changes in our school this year?

As a coach leader, what values and expectations are you communicating to others? What open-ended, reflective questions are you asking staff, students, parents, and yourself?

Linda Gross, ACC

To learn more about coaching and the impact it has on both behaviors and results, join us at one of our scheduled open seminars listed in the sidebar or contact us about bringing CFR Global to your district or location.