Love and Leadership

leadership loveWhat’s love got to do with it? It’s got everything to do with it, and it is not a second-hand emotion, as Tina Turner sang in her song back in the 1980’s. Successful leadership is all about love.

As you think about love and leadership, what are five words that represent love and leadership to you? Here are five possible words – caring, listening, sharing, serving, and sacrificing. Notice that these five words are verbs entwined with a state of being – an attitude – a mindset.

According to an article on love, published in the Harvard Business Review, “Love has a strong influence on workplace outcomes. The more love co-workers feel at work, the more engaged they are.” (Employees Who Feel Love Perform Better,” by Sigal Barsade and Olivia A. O’Neill; Jan 13, 2014)

The love referenced in the Harvard article and in this month’s writings is focused on compassionate or caring love rather than romantic love. Compassionate or caring love encompasses a wide range of emotions, including pleasure, affection, and connection along with a sense of well-being.

And, as the Harvard articles says, those who perceive greater affection and caring from their colleagues perform better. That makes sense. When people feel respected, cared for and included, they have an elevated desire to do the work related to accomplishing significant results. Additionally, the article says that few managers focus on building an emotional culture, which is cited as a mistake. Clearly, they have not met you! It is a given that coach leaders, like you, serve from a sense of love and responsibility, lifting others to their highest levels of performance, as they experience an ongoing sense of being recognized both as individuals and as members of a larger team, focused on a cause greater than themselves.

Love encompasses a wide range of emotions. For example, I love my work. It gives me a deep sense of satisfaction, service and accomplishment. I also love my coffee! It tastes so very good first thing in the morning – or early in the afternoon. I just love it!! I love big things and little things. What about you?

I never studied under Thomas Leonard, referred to by many as the father of current day coaching. Those who did study with him say that at the conclusion of their coach training, Leonard would stress going forward and loving your clients. That sounds good to me. I do love my clients. And, at this stage of my life, I not only show them I love them, I may very well speak those words to them. That is a shift for me, to actually say the words as well as show it through my behaviors.

How does love show up for you each day? How do others know that you love them and the work you are all called to do together? Only you know the best way for you to show your love. Here are a few ways: look like you love, speak like you love, listen like you love, serve like you love, and even challenge with love.

What’s love got to do with it? I believe it has everything to do with strong leadership. What do you think?


  1. Carmyn Neely on September 10, 2021 at 9:33 am

    This article is so very inspiring…….thank you for sharing your thoughts on the importance of love “in” leadership. I plan to use this article as a part of a lesson with one of the groups I facilitate. Once again…..thank you.

  2. Patti Birney on September 15, 2021 at 3:20 pm

    This is so in line with what I share with my superintendent certification students, “They don’t care what you know until they know that you care.” Great article…..and during these challenging times showing that one ‘cares’ is even more critical. Thank you, Vicky, for always sharing such valuable insight. (And who doesn’t love Tina?)

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