BELIEVE – Thank You, Ted, for the Reminder

Believe Ted LassoOkay, I admit it. I’m a big fan of The Ted Lasso series on Apple, even though I do wish they would have omitted lots of the explicit language, which was almost never spoken by Ted, as well as all the R rated scenes. And yet, there are so many powerful messages in this series that recently ended.

Ted Lasso took on a job coaching a team in a different country and he had very little experience that really qualified him for the position. Sound familiar from a metaphoric perspective? I can certainly relate to many experiences in my career.

The sign you see above – “BELIEVE” plays a strong part in the series. It’s a sign into the mindset of Ted. It’s in his handwriting, taped up above the door to his office, for all to see, including himself. I wanted to show you the photo as it was on the series – Ted – pointing to it – encouraging his fellow coach. If you don’t see that photo – then perhaps you can find it out on the internet.

As a leader, what sign is above your door? We hope it is something like “BELIEVE”. If the leader does not believe in the team and the mission, what chance does the team really have? Belief starts inside and then shows itself to others – both in the easy times and in stressful times.

In the series, someone has the audacity to take the sign down and tear it to pieces. I won’t give away who or why, however, there may be times when it feels like that is happening to you and your team. How did Ted respond? You will have to watch to see for yourself.

Just a reminder that leaders never stop believing in their team. You are a leader and we know that even though you may be living through hard times, we believe that you are like Ted, a leader with strong standards and internal values that stay the course, leading and loving others to victory.

Thank you so very much for your commitment and service.

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