What’s Your Superpower?

SuperPower!  This concept of exploring SuperPowers appears to be a theme in many of our current films.  Expressed in different ways such as SuperHeros, SuperHuman abilities, or heightened capabilities, these movies tap into deeper themes of power, responsibility, and identity. While you may initially be thinking I’m talking about a costume you put on or…

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Open Wide for Gratitude

Our emphasis this month is on expanding a deeper sense of gratitude. After all, where we focus our attention gets stronger. How would you define gratitude? While there are many definitions, let’s say it is a positive state of being, encompassing appreciation and thankfulness for people, experiences and things in our lives, both large and…

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How is Your Attitude on Gratitude?

Many years ago, a movie featured a song that offered insights on how best to deal with worry and fatigue. While we are not sure the degree to which the song was based on scientific evidence – the message still rings true today. Here is a line from the song, sung by Bing Crosby in…

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Habits that Inspire

In our January ezine, you learned about Pete Zafra, a personal development blogger whose goal is to inspire as he teaches. Recently his blog caught my attention as I love to compare my best habits to other professionals. His latest blog offers eleven habits for having a complete and successful life. I’d love to continue…

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Habits for Internal and External Success

There is something so hopeful about starting a new year. New possibilities, new plans, new dreams. In our districts and schools, we are looking at our goals and monitoring where we are in the journey to reach them. We are looking to the finish line. And just as we begin to see the flags of…

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What Makes Exceptional Leaders

One of my favorite authors on leadership is Dan Rockwell.  He is known as the “Leadership Freak.” Recently Dan wrote information that seemed perfect for this time in the school year – when things seem overwhelming and stressful. The question for leaders might be, taking a frequent question from the medical director in the TV…

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The Team Believes!

Remember the Believe Sign? It’s Grown in Strength! Take a look at this image from the Ted Lasso TV Series. Ted put the sign up and at first the team did not respond in a positive manner. Rather, many made snide remarks about it. Now look. All team members are touching the sign. They believe!…

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