Four Questions to Focus your Brain – before it tries to take control
As this new year begins, it can be as exciting as a two-year-old with cake and ice cream, or crazy with stress and concern. So, as we have learned in our seminars, the messages we send our brain will change the game.
You remember, the brain is wired to protect and look for stuff like:
- Disappointments
- Things that could have been
- Things that might go wrong
- Things you want others to do
- What you haven’t gotten to
- …and the list goes on
Yes, that brain of ours has a mind of its own.
So, when the scary or negative noise begins, here are 4 questions to focus your brain:
#1 If things were going perfectly, what would be happening?
Focus the brain on a picture of your preferred world.
#2 What do I want?
Use your brain’s love of complaining to focus on what you want.
#3 What do I want to do about that?
Focus your brain on figuring out ways to make things better.
#4 What matters?
When your brain goes negative, explore value and priorities. The mind of a leader thinks reality is something to be accepted and shaped. Leaders think about what could be, even while they grapple with reality.
Enjoy these borrowed ideas, enjoy your journey, your leadership, and your ability to challenge your brain and actions!
Reference: Dan Rockwell, Leadership Freak