What Does Alice in Wonderland Have to Do with Our Current Reality?

Hello Friends!

We are all in a very unusual place right now – far beyond just working from our homes. We didn’t ask for or necessarily want to be where we are – and yet here we are. Perhaps we are somewhat like Alice in Wonderland – we just fell into this space. And, while it is scary with lots of uncertainties, if we look closely – we may find some lessons that will stay with us, and actually benefit us as we leave the rabbit hole and return to our world.

Here are three points to ponder:

  1. Drink Tea.
    “Yes, that’s it! Said the Hatter with a sigh, it’s always time.” Lewis Carol, 1865

You don’t have to participate in a mad tea party – most likely you may feel like you have already been there. The bigger message here is to give yourself the gift of a quiet space, with time for introspection and reflection, to consider how you are best handling this uninvited situation. And, if sipping on a delicious cup of tea (or coffee in my case) adds to your sense of peace- then go for it.

Messages coming from experts all over the world are saying that this is a time to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. And, as Daniel Goleman, respected for his work with emotional intelligence, says, “You need self-awareness to manage yourself. You need self-awareness to tune into other people’s – social awareness. And the most visible abilities of leaders, the relationship skills, depend on how they manage themselves and how they can tune in to other people.” So, drink tea (literally or metaphorically) and be aware of your desired way to be at this time.

  1. Be with Others.
    In the garden of memories, in the place of dreams, that is where you and I will meet again.” Lewis Carrol, 1865

While Alice found herself with a group of unknown characters, the more time she spent with them, the more she appreciated their unique personalities. While you are (if you still are) isolated in your homes, you still have the ability to be with those you know, lead, care for and love, thanks to modern technology. Meeting together via telephone, Zoom, Google Meet or Hangout, Skype, Face Time, or others that are outside of my realm of knowledge are keeping us connected in professional and personal ways. As I’ve talked with school leaders from different parts of our country, I’m sincerely moved by their desire to be with their staff and provide support, empathy and grace at a time like this. Being together, even if it is virtual, and even if we all need a haircut and our nails done, is somewhat like a positive shot in the arm. We are building a garden of memories to carry with us into our future.

  1. Look for Blessings.
    I can’t go back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” Lewis Carrol, 1865

Please know that my intent is never to oversimplify the challenges, the loss of lives, the loss of incomes, the loss of learning, the loss of times spent with loved ones, or the loss of being with those with whom we work and play. Our current situation is one of the most difficult times in all of our lives, as a country and as a combined world, yet we know that while we mourn for the losses, while we cry for the sadness, we will cherish the blessings that come to us – both large and small. When this is all over – let us hope that we will speak of the blessings and remember the strength of the people. While we can’t go back to yesterday and while we are in some ways different from when this began, my hope is that we will step into the future with a stronger sense of love and connection to our world and our responsibilities to make it a better place for every child, parent and adult. Alice was changed for good based on her fall – she advanced. We will do the same.


  1. Lori Klimek on May 11, 2020 at 10:07 am

    Thank you Vicky for the analogy and your thoughts. They are helpful, inspiring and have made me pause and wonder.

  2. Patty Kohler on May 11, 2020 at 11:41 am

    Vicki-This was beautifully stated and gratefully received. Thank you, Patty Kohler

  3. Kim Richardson on May 11, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    Look for the blessings! Count each one!

  4. Esther Caballero on May 12, 2020 at 10:38 am

    Amazing way of looking at how different things are from where we were 3 months ago. Thank you for the words.

  5. Jasmine Patel on May 12, 2020 at 12:27 pm

    Our superintendent marks this time as “we had a reality BEFORE spring break, and we have reality AFTER.” Everything we know has literally been shaken up in some way….and it’s easy to feel as if we are sinking in it. Looking for the upside and unexpected opportunity keeps our sights focused upward and our heads afloat. Thank for this perspective Vicky! 🙂

    • Carrie Saunders on May 26, 2020 at 6:39 pm

      YES:) We never will back to before Spring Break. Great article!

  6. Carolyn Williams on May 12, 2020 at 7:39 pm

    Like Alice I hope we all will have a better appreciation for people in the “real” world… our homes, our jobs, everywhere when Covid is just a story.

  7. Steven Carney on May 15, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Thank you for your uplifting parallel. Such great reminders and simple suggestions. My morning started with a cup of coffee and lots of blessing counts.

  8. Cheryl Close on May 16, 2020 at 12:10 pm

    Such wise thoughts from a wonderful coach and leader.

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