Posts by Karen Anderson, PCC, M. Ed.
How SuperPowers Transform the Culture
In this article, the second in our monthly series, we will continue to explore the concept of SuperPower and how, when activated, it enhances our effectiveness and influence as leaders. Let’s revisit the Middle School in Tahoe Truckee, CA, to see how they are carrying this theme forward throughout the year. One significant step the…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Superpower?
SuperPower! This concept of exploring SuperPowers appears to be a theme in many of our current films. Expressed in different ways such as SuperHeros, SuperHuman abilities, or heightened capabilities, these movies tap into deeper themes of power, responsibility, and identity. While you may initially be thinking I’m talking about a costume you put on or…
Read MoreThe Well-Being Revolution Is Redefining Leadership – Are We Ready?
Here is a statistic for you: More Than Half of Americans Have Unhealthy Work-Life Balance. My hunch is that this is not a startling statistic for you. For most, the closest we come to the notion of Work-Life Balance or Well-Being is when we are on vacation. Well, now we are NOT. So, what do…
Read MoreEver Elusive: Work-Life Balance
What a perfect topic for this time of the year. It’s the time when we refill our tanks so to speak. We seek the beach, the mountains, or whatever place feeds our soul. We kick up our feet, read a good book, take a camping trip, or travel to a destination we have longed to…
Read MoreCoaching is a Creative Process
In this month’s previous article, we looked at Saundra Dalton-Smith’s 7 Types of Rest that impact our happiness, productivity, and fulfillment. One of those she identified is the need for Creative Rest. Admittedly, age, stress, and the demands of life can diminish our creative options so the question becomes – How do we re-awaken our…
Read MoreWhy Am I So Tired?
Doesn’t it seem puzzling to you that you can wake from 7 hours of sleep and find yourself saying, “I’m so tired! I’m just so tired!” Maybe that’s because you are! . . . because there are different types of rest. Marcia Reynolds discovered that when she heard Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of Sacred Rest, speak…
Read MoreDecember’s Gift: The Significance of Joy, Part II
In the previous article in this series, we looked at intentionally adding different “I-N-G” words to our month of December. We’ll continue that idea in this article by taking a deeper dive with a twist by exploring the connection between gratitude and joy. These are interconnected emotions. When you cultivate gratitude, you are acknowledging and…
Read MoreDecember’s Gift: The Significance of Joy, Part I
December is here AND, with it, comes so much! – Decorating, Baking, Eating, Shopping, Wrapping, Partying, Celebrating, and sometimes Stressing!! Whew! Sounds like so much BUSY-NESS, doesn’t it? With that BUSY-NESS, the true gift of the season is often overlooked. So, let’s pause and talk about joy! The importance of joy during the holiday season…
Read MoreDreams Do Come True! – Chapter 2
Carrying on the idea of testing how my one word written in 2019 – Move – is continuing to show up in my life, suggests a second story. In 2019, I wrote, “Dreams do come true!” when speaking about purchasing the home right next door to my son and grandchildren. While some parts of the…
Read More“One Word” Revisited
Prior to COVID (2019) which rocked our world, I wrote an article about a powerful concept called One Word. This is some of what I wrote at that time: What if One Word could change our life? Authors, Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page propose in their book, “One Word – that will change…
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