Three Ways to Spread Love as You Lead

Spread love everywhere you go; first of all, in your house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next-door neighbor. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.

Mother Teresa

The quote from Mother Teresa is a beautiful one. Spread love, give love, and let no one come to you without leaving better and happier, or at least satisfied. I do strive for that – even though some days are more challenging than others.

As you consider ways to spread love where you lead, here are three possibilities:

  1. Listen with the intent to understand. When in conversations with others, give the gift of your full presence, seeking to understand both the emotions and content of what is being expressed. When you respond, thoughtfully offer your words with a tone of respect and caring, even when you disagree or challenge what the speaker says. Remember that relationships build or fall through conversations.
  2. Show that you care in both your words and your actions. People want to know that you see them as individuals and as members of the team. Stay aware. Celebrate successes and seek to offer support when others are dealing with challenging situations. Give specific feedback about the value each person brings to the team and to accomplishing the overall goals of the organization. Little things matter and so do big things.
  3. Love even when dealing with challenges. It is your responsibility to lead your team to high levels of performance and results. At times, that may mean having open and honest conversations with colleagues. Love does not ignore behaviors or situations that are potential problems. Rather through love, leaders speak clear expectations and concerns and take the time to hear what is working and not working in order to offer support. It is surprising how beneficial honest and open conversations are when staff knows their leader has total belief in them, even when challenging them to rise to a higher level of performance.

One final thought. Many years ago – there was a movie where the phrase “Love means never having to say you’re sorry,” was coined. That may be okay for the movies, just not for real life, in my opinion. Love does mean saying your sorry when you mess up. Saying you are sorry, and meaning it, is a part of leading with love.

Want to know more about love and leadership? Join us for one of our upcoming seminars or contact us to bring us in to your district or business.

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