What Else Can We Do?

cheerful school children

As school leaders we must continually reflect upon school representation. It matters. As we walk through our schools, how are all students represented, how is the staff represented? How real and relevant is our content? What are the ways we align our instructional outcomes with current facts in history and culture? How are we exploring…

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Survival Skill #3: Being Hopeful

hands holding hope rock

“Hopeful individuals, families, organizations, and communities THRIVE!” Previously, we looked at the survival skills of Empathy and Resilience. Now, we are ready to add the skill of Being Hopeful. We used to respond that “Hope was not a strategy!” Well, as it happens, it IS a strategy and a very powerful one, at that! Hope…

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Survival Skill #2: Resilience

helping hands

“A person who falls and gets back upis much stronger than a person who never falls.” The 2nd Survival Skill for pushing through the COVID-19 experience is Resilience. What is Resilience? While resilience means different things to different people, the definition we will use is this: “Resilience is one’s ability to remain flexible in our…

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The Positive Psychology of Peter Pan

In my quest to connect the lightness of children’s stories with our current reality, I had to finish with a few bits of wisdom from Peter Pan. Peter knew how to fly, even in adversity. He also knew the importance of thinking of happy things. The same idea goes for us. Here are three points…

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Climbing High, Just Like Jack

This month, in the midst of a pandemic, my intent is to mix a little lightness with our current reality. “Jack and the Beanstalk” is an old, old story about how a young boy engages in actions with the desire to be of service to his mother and himself – both living in a current…

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Connection During Isolation

A recurring theme for the past few weeks is that we humans are wired for connection. The neuroscience is clear. We need each other. We need to be in connection. In times of “social distancing”, this need is crying out to us. Some of my coaching colleagues are wishing for a different description—Physical Distancing—which has…

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The Gift of Joy

Joy. How do you feel it? What brings you Joy each day? How important is it in our daily lives? May I share some thoughts and experiences? Recently, while leading one of our seminars, I was struck by the weight of stress, physically visible on and within the participants. This has become such a common…

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Decluttering to Increase Productivity

So far, we’ve considered time management vs. energy management and the mindset attributes for increasing our energy and productivity in our work environment. This article will offer specific strategies for increasing our productivity. All you have to do is turn on the radio or TV to hear the advertisement inviting us to get organized in…

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